Its been a long time coming and we still have a few bits to do on the outside but we can finally say that our Pethouse suites are finally open and we can't wait to show you them!
We now have a purpose built reception to be able to greet all our guests coming to stay with us.

Our Pethouse suites have been designed with a dogs comfort in mind. all suites are attached to a single corridor to ensure that there are no dogs facing each of the suites to help reduce the amount of barking that dogs do whilst in the suites.
The suites have a full glass front rather than bars that you generally see in standard kennels. This also help with noise reduction inside the suites.
To help let more natural light into the suite we have fitted a window in between the sleeping and exercise area.
Every pethouse is fitted with heaters that are individually thermostated to the suite giving us the ability to change the temperature to suit whatever dog is inside. So whether you've got a Greyhound or a Bernese we'll have the right temperature for your little loved one.
And it wouldn't be a suite without something special, each of our 12 pethouse suites are fitted with their own entertainment system!! playing soothing music and TV programs that have been specifically deigned for dogs by some of the worlds leading pet experts to help reduce stress and separation anxiety... along with a couple of dog related programs chucked in for good measure.
The Pethouse suites are fully alarmed and CCTV is overlooking the building inside and out for full security and peace of mind.
Please take some time to let us know what you think, we look forward to seeing you all in the future in our brand new building.