Coming up to our busiest time of the year we have expanded our team and are please to introduce you all to Freyja. Freyja joined our team on the 6th of July and we thought we'd let you all get to know her a little better by asking her a few questions.
So Freyja... tell us a little about yourself
Im 18 years old and currently live in Radcliffe but will be moving to Nangreaves later this month so look forward to being in walking distance of the kennels. As I have a huge passion for animals I decided to start on a path to become a dog handler I have now completed the course the next step is to gain working experience with dogs and Pawprints have offered for me the chance to complete an animal care course whilst working for them which couldn't have come at a better time.
What attracted you to the idea of working for Pawprints
Ive always been a great lover of animals (more so than people!) but the volunteer work and dog walking I participated in really confirmed my passion for dogs and it is clear that all the people that work at Pawprints share this passion as the dogs really do get treated like guests at a 5-star hotel
Do you have any Hobbies?
In my spare time I enjoy going to the cinema. I have just recently got a shar-pei puppy called Jäger so love to spend lots of time with him and give him loads of attention.
Whats your favourite film?
My Favourite fim is The Notebook, it makes me cry every time I watch it.
You mentioned that you have a Star-Pei called Jäger, do you have any other pets?
No, however I have a lot of close family members that have dogs that I'm really attached to and I spend a lot of time with them and walk them when I can.
Favourite holiday destination?
My favourite holiday destination is Turkey but any holiday destination that the heat hits you once you walk off the plane is always going to be amazing.
PET peeve?
When people pronounce or misspell my name. As it has a silent J a lot of people pronounce it Frey-Ja but its pronounced the same way as Freya.
Do you have a funny story that you can share with us?
When I used to walk home from school I used to walk under some trees but there was one time where I felt something brush past my hair and with it being autumn I thought it was a leave blowing off a tree so I thought nothing of it... Id only walked home with a big dollop of bird poo on top of my head...and it didn't even bring me any luck either!!!!
Please feel free to welcome Freyja to our team and we look forward to you all meeting her when you bring your dog to stay with us. Don't forget to say "Hi" when you see her :)