We are well underway with the development of our new kennel building that is going to house our brand new pethouse suites.

Its been a while since we last shared the progress and thought its a great time to bring you all up to speed.
Over the past few weeks we have had all the utilities added to the property. ConnectElectric, who are a fellow member of TheBestofBury, have worked closely with us to ensure all of our electricity needs are taken care of. Each Kennel will have its own TV, Speaker, Lighting &individually thermostated heater allowing us to adjust the temperature in the kennel to suite individual dogs needs.

We have also had water installed into our kitchen area along with taps in the main corridor for easy access for cleaning the kennels along with the ability to fill up the water bowls

One aim of ours during the process was to make sure that all the utilities were not on show. all of the wires and pipes are fitted into the walls and have been insulated to ensure warmth throughout the building.
We are now at the stage that all the sleeping areas have been plasterboard ready for the tiles and plaster to go on the ceiling over the next week.
I know there have been a few people asking about the process on the new secure dog field we are looking to open. The grass has started to come up and the weather has been kind to us over the past few weeks.
It won't be long until we release more details on this and how to book however we still need the grass to grow more in the field before we can open it up to bookings.
Once we have more news on this we will let you know.
